About Us

DataLab is a foremost data analytics provider. Our data analyticshub offers data and training services. We help companies build their data collection pipeline and leverage it for data analysis,product development, and customer insights.

Our team of Data Scientists, Data Analysts, Data Engineers, Product Designers, Business Analysts, and Software Developers work together to execute innovative data-driven solutions that scale businesses and organizations faster and more efficiently.‍

Our Vision

To support our clients with data services and training that scale their businesses and create career opportunities.

Our Values

1. Excellence: We display excellence in everything we do

2. Growth: We have tireless hunger for new skills

3. Satisfaction: We make impacts that translate to better businesses for our clients and rewarding careers for our interns

4. Innovative: We do things differently

5. Collaboration: We work as a team and value everyone

How We Work

1. We identify your business KPIs and map out useful metrics

2. We identify ideal sources of raw data for you based on those metrics

3. We collect the raw data from across your business units

4. We ingest the raw data into an analytics platform for further processing and analysis

5. We use a dashboard that allows you to capture, aggregate, and visualize the data

6. We generate data analysis reports, outputs, and dashboards for strategic decision making to your product development, customer service, and marketing team

7. We can also use the data to train machine learning models to generate predictions that can be used to take calculated and future decisions ahead of your competitors and to better serve your customers.

8. We provide support to your growing demand for continuous, and quality data.